# esgo2dump
# dump elasticsearch with golang


- 支持 elasticsearch 7, elasticsearch 6


### install

- with golang >= 1.18

  `go install github.com/loveuer/esgo2dump@latest`

- download pre-build release:


### usage

`esgo2dump -h`

esgo2dump --input= --output=./data.json

esgo2dump --input= --output= --limit=5000

esgo2dump --input= --i-version 6 --output=./data.json

esgo2dump --output= --o-version 6 --input=./data.json

esgo2dump --input=https://username:password@ --output=./data.json

esgo2dump --input= --source='id;name;age;address;phones' --output=./data.json

esgo2dump --input= --output=./data.json --query='{"match": {"name": "some_name"}}'

esgo2dump --input= --output=./data.json --query_file=my_queries.json

- example_queries.json

### roadmap

- [x] data dump
- [x] mapping dump
- [x] es to file
- [x] es to es
- [x] auto create index with mapping
- [x] support es6
- [ ] [Feature Request #1](https://github.com/loveuer/esgo2dump/issues/1): Supports more than 10,000 lines of query_file
- [ ] args: split_size (auto split json output file)
- [ ] auto create index with mapping,setting
- [ ] support es8