package es7 import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" elastic "" "" "" "" "" "" "time" ) // ReadData // Deprecated // @param[source]: a list of include fields to extract and return from the _source field. // @param[sort]: a list of : pairs. func ReadData(ctx context.Context, client *elastic.Client, index string, size, max int, query map[string]any, source []string, sort []string) (<-chan []*model.ESSource, <-chan error) { var ( dataCh = make(chan []*model.ESSource) errCh = make(chan error) ) go func() { var ( err error resp *esapi.Response result = new(model.ESResponseV7) scrollId string total int ) defer func() { close(dataCh) close(errCh) if scrollId != "" { bs, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{ "scroll_id": scrollId, }) var ( rr *esapi.Response ) if rr, err = client.ClearScroll( client.ClearScroll.WithContext(util.Timeout(3)), client.ClearScroll.WithBody(bytes.NewReader(bs)), ); err != nil { log.Warn("clear scroll id=%s err=%v", scrollId, err) return } if rr.StatusCode != 200 { log.Warn("clear scroll id=%s status=%d msg=%s", scrollId, rr.StatusCode, rr.String()) } } }() if client == nil { errCh <- fmt.Errorf("client is nil") } qs := []func(*esapi.SearchRequest){ client.Search.WithContext(util.TimeoutCtx(ctx, 20)), client.Search.WithIndex(index), client.Search.WithSize(size), client.Search.WithFrom(0), client.Search.WithScroll(time.Duration(120) * time.Second), } if len(source) > 0 { qs = append(qs, client.Search.WithSourceIncludes(source...)) } if len(sort) > 0 { sorts := lo.Filter(sort, func(item string, index int) bool { return item != "" }) if len(sorts) > 0 { qs = append(qs, client.Search.WithSort(sorts...)) } } if query != nil && len(query) > 0 { queryBs, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]any{"query": query}) qs = append(qs, client.Search.WithBody(bytes.NewReader(queryBs))) } if resp, err = client.Search(qs...); err != nil { errCh <- err return } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { errCh <- fmt.Errorf("resp status=%d, resp=%s", resp.StatusCode, resp.String()) return } decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body) if err = decoder.Decode(result); err != nil { errCh <- err return } scrollId = result.ScrollId dataCh <- result.Hits.Hits total += len(result.Hits.Hits) if len(result.Hits.Hits) < size || (max > 0 && total >= max) { return } for { if resp, err = client.Scroll( client.Scroll.WithScrollID(scrollId), client.Scroll.WithScroll(time.Duration(120)*time.Second), ); err != nil { errCh <- err return } result = new(model.ESResponseV7) decoder = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body) if err = decoder.Decode(result); err != nil { errCh <- err return } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { errCh <- fmt.Errorf("resp status=%d, resp=%s", resp.StatusCode, resp.String()) return } dataCh <- result.Hits.Hits total += len(result.Hits.Hits) if len(result.Hits.Hits) < size || (max > 0 && total >= max) { break } } }() return dataCh, errCh } // ReadDataV2 es7 read data /* - @param[source]: a list of include fields to extract and return from the _source field. - @param[sort]: a list of : pairs. */ func ReadDataV2( ctx context.Context, client *elastic.Client, index string, size, max uint64, query map[string]any, source []string, sort []string, ) (<-chan []*model.ESSource, <-chan error) { var ( dataCh = make(chan []*model.ESSource) errCh = make(chan error) ) go func() { var ( err error bs []byte resp *esapi.Response searchAfter = make([]any, 0) total uint64 = 0 body = make(map[string]any) qs []func(request *esapi.SearchRequest) ) if sort == nil { sort = []string{} } if query != nil && len(query) > 0 { body["query"] = query } sort = append(sort, "_id:ASC") sorts := lo.Filter(sort, func(item string, index int) bool { return item != "" }) defer func() { close(dataCh) close(errCh) }() fina_size := util.AbsMin(size, max-total) log.Debug(" size = %d, max = %d, total = %d, fina size = %d", size, max, total, fina_size) for { qs = []func(*esapi.SearchRequest){ client.Search.WithContext(util.TimeoutCtx(ctx, 30)), client.Search.WithIndex(index), client.Search.WithSize(int(fina_size)), client.Search.WithSort(sorts...), } if len(source) > 0 { qs = append(qs, client.Search.WithSourceIncludes(source...)) } delete(body, "search_after") if len(searchAfter) > 0 { body["search_after"] = searchAfter } if bs, err = json.Marshal(body); err != nil { errCh <- err return } log.Debug("body raw: %s", string(bs)) qs = append(qs, client.Search.WithBody(bytes.NewReader(bs))) if resp, err = client.Search(qs...); err != nil { errCh <- err return } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { errCh <- fmt.Errorf("resp status=%d, resp=%s", resp.StatusCode, resp.String()) return } var result = new(model.ESResponseV7) decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body) if err = decoder.Decode(result); err != nil { errCh <- err return } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { errCh <- fmt.Errorf("resp status=%d, resp=%s", resp.StatusCode, resp.String()) return } dataCh <- result.Hits.Hits total += uint64(len(result.Hits.Hits)) log.Debug(" total: %d", total) if uint64(len(result.Hits.Hits)) < size || (max > 0 && total >= max) { break } searchAfter = result.Hits.Hits[len(result.Hits.Hits)-1].Sort } }() return dataCh, errCh }